Provider meeting this Friday, January 4th,  from 9:00am-11:30am.  We are at the Salvation Army Church (1110 S Puget Sound Ave, Tacoma, WA  98405). 


Unfortunately I couldn’t make the schedule work out this week, so Jeannie Darneille is not going to come and speak.  Hopefully we can get her in sometime during Session, but her visit may be punted until Summer.


Hopefully you’ll be able take part in the Point in Time Count later in the month and can stay for the training session.


The agenda is attached, and I’ll bring hard copies.  The Executive Summary:

·         Building Affordable Housing along major Pierce County transit routes – plans and feedback

·         Tiny House Legislation – overview of legislation proposed by Todd McKellips and the Washington Tiny House Association

·         Point in Time Training – get trained so you can help with this year’s point in time count


See you all on soon,



Gerrit F. Nyland

Director of Client Information Systems, SW

Catholic Community Services of Western Washington

Mobile: 253-304-5105