Here is the second - I've copied in the email that you may already have received but if not, here it is - especially relevant given last week's Tacoma Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness presentations on Race and Homelessness.  Some of you may know Dimitri - he's an organizer with the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance.  Note that Michele Thomas will update us on bills.  

Here's Dimitri's email:

I was summoned to eviction court twice this winter after I reported my landlord for maintenance issues he wouldn't fix (there was a bat in my home!). It was a crash-course lesson in an experience that 1 in 11 Black folks in my home county has had in a five year period.

It's critical that advocates and housing stakeholders understand how our eviction system is a driver of homelessness and creates disproportionate outcomes for Black folks, and that's why I'm proud we are hosting Dr. Tim Thomas from the UW to talk about his research in a special online webinar next Tuesday, 2/26 from noon- 1 pm. 

Join us!

Dr. Thomas will present his findings on how evictions in Washington state are pervasive and a civil rights issue. Our Director of Policy and Advocacy, Michele Thomas, will also provide an update on the bills moving through the legislature this year. 


Because of my privilege, I had people to ask for advice and a flexible work schedule to prepare and attend the eviction hearings.

But the stakes were high nonetheless. As a Black person, I wasn't just fighting for my reputation as a renter in a market ripe for discrimination; I knew I didn't have the money to pay for the court costs and damages I would have been responsible for upon losing my case.

I am now doubled-up with my dad and getting denied from new homes, an experience that important research by SPARC calls "network impoverishment"—a multiplier effect whereby housing insecurity of one person of color affects their family and friend network that become their safety-net.

My story is not unique. But I share it to show why I believe it is so important to see and combat the structural racism embedded in the state's eviction system. As bill sponsor Rep. Nicole Macri told the Seattle Times recently, "if lawmakers don't get policy right around displacement and evictions…we will look back in 30 years the way we look back now and say I can't believe those policymakers were complicit with redlining and discriminatory housing practices." I hope you join us.


Member Organizer

Colleagues - click on the big red link to join the webinar.


Tel:  253-756-8146

3320 S. 8th Street
Tacoma, WA 98405