Martha Sheppard, Major
The SalvationArmy, Tacoma

“Give forgiveness to your enemies; give tolerance to an opponent; give your heart to a friend; give a good example to every child; give charity to all; and to yourself, give respect”. Author Unknown

From: Pamela Duncan <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 5:28 PM
To: Pamela Duncan; Debra Grant; Renee White
Subject: MDC has a Rental Assistance and Energy Assistance Spenddown Challenge!!

Hi there! 

Know anyone residing w/in the City of Tacoma who could use some rental and/or energy assistance?  Metropolitan Development Council has $$$ to get out the door!


Rental Assistance: $40,000 in assistance to provide by  March 27th. MDC’s Rental Assistance is provided to City of Tacoma households only, requires a 3/day pay or vacate, and  LIHEAP eligibility guidelines (see flyer attached); maximum allowable rental assistance is $1,000 dollars. In receiving this assistance, clients  are guaranteed to remain in their homes for 30 days per the Landlord agreement form.


Energy Assistance: $540,000(!)to spend by 3/31. Energy assistance can be provided for electric, gas, wood, propane and oil. Households paying their landlord directly for their utilities are still eligible for assistance. To help us reach goal, we will be extending our appointment scheduling to include weekend appointments. We offer alternatives for clients to receive our applications and related material such as email, US Mail, and direct calls to our appointment line (253) 572-5557 Renee White, Energy Assistance Manager (253) 284-9026, or  Debra Grant, Homelessness and Energy Assistance Director (253) 284-7800.


*Attached are the flyers, application and other documentation requirements for your information or distribution.

Thank you for helping us to get the word (and most importantly) the dollars out the door!!

In the spirit of community,



Pamela E. Duncan

President and CEO


945 Fawcett Avenue

Tacoma, WA 98402


Direct: (253) 591-0113



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