I have a client who currently lives with a host family near the U District and attends the University of Seattle but the family plans to remodel and has asked him to move out by June 30, 2019.

He is an unemployed full time dental student with VA benefits of $800 a month and he cannot really afford to pay much. 


Due to his academically challenging schedule, it is beneficial for him to live somewhere near public transportation that goes to UW Seattle. 


I know there is not a lot available in this price range but I am hoping someone knows of a “Good Samaritan” in the community who is willing to help a college student.  The client is an honest trust worthy individual with no criminal record, good credit, and good references. I would hate him to have to drop out of school due to lack of housing.

Thank you for your assistance in advance.




Jennice Foy, MFT, CDPT, FFT

Juvenile Rehabilitation Coordinator

Functional Family Therapist

Department of Social and Health Services

Region 3 Tacoma Office


253 476-7118