Hello friends. Just a reminder that Hire 253 is on Wednesday from 10am-2pm. I still have bus passes if you have any clients that may need them to get here and back. The Salvation Army will be running a shuttle from the Salvation Army Lodge to Nativity House to Stability Site beginning at 8:30am. I have attached the flyer and highly suggest you have clients pre-register on the link to Eventbrite, thus skipping the longest of lines. Lunch will be served from 11am-1:30pm until we run out of food.


I hope to see everybody here! 87 employers, 500+ jobs… it is going to be great day!


Kelly Blucher

Manager of Community Engagement & Outreach

Goodwill of the Olympics and Rainier Region
Desk: 253.573.6853 

Cell:   253.302.2347


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Our mission is to help people reach their fullest potential through education, job placement,
and career pathway services made possible by community donations, purchases, and partnerships.