Good Friday morning everyone.
This distribution is a great way to stay informed of services and activities throughout the community. In the spirit of teamwork and professionalism, if there are questions or concerns about agency services,
please feel free to reach out directly to the leadership so that we can address those concerns and ensure client service. Often we hear allegations from clients that get posted that haven’t been thoroughly vetted for accuracy.
If you have any concerns about services received/client interactions from MDC, please contact me directly and I will ensure that it gets addressed appropriately.
In partnership,
Pamela E. Duncan
President and CEO
945 Fawcett Avenue
Tacoma, WA 98402
Direct: (253) 591-0113
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This listserv is part of the
Tacoma/Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness. E-mail the full coalition by sending to Remember, this list is distributed to over 400 people. Send No information that can identify a client and avoid unnecessary e-mails (a thank you is polite when sent to
1 person, but a nuisance when sent to 400). To unsubscribe from this list please go to
unsubscribe page. Visit the
message archive for past messages.