Hello everyone,


I hope we are all having a pleasant start to your week!


I am still looking for emergency shelter for a 69 year old woman with a walker.


Please let me know if there is anything anyone can think of. Thank you.



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Alina I Flores | Homeless Case Manager

Sea Mar Community Health Centers

Exceptional service. Every person. Every time.

1307 S 11TH ST | Tacoma, WA | 98405

P 253.682.2186 | Ext 75806 | F 253.682.2181

E AlinaFlores@seamarchc.org


Connect with us on Description: Description: Description: cid:image002.png@01CF3C7B.EB0BB250 & Description: Description: Description: cid:image003.png@01CF3C7B.EB0BB250