Dear Coalition Participants:

The League of Women Voters, together with some co-sponsors, is holding several candidate forums for races in which there are three or more candidates in the Primary Election.  A schedule of those is attached.  You may want to promote these among your employees, clients, friends and relatives to assure there is participation and that questions are asked about homelessness and the candidates would respond to the issues associated with homelessness.


At yesterday’s Coalition meeting, a set of talking points was suggested.  We will provide those for the General Election candidate forums, but there wasn’t time to get those ready for you for this set of forums.  Just ask about what you know!


Also attached is a graphic representing why these elections are important.  You could also share that.


Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks for your help in publicizing these forums and also for attending when you can.

--Cynthia Stewart

League of Women Voters of Tacoma-Pierce County