Good Morning,
After a long and trying wait, I am proud to announce we have finally received our State licensing certificate and are now ready to OPEN our 6 bed underage (13-17 yr) shelter!!!! I did attach a 1 pager for more details regarding our program and referral/intake
WHEN: August 19th, 2019 beginning at 12:00 pm (Referrals will NOT be taken before 12 pm) This is a first come, first serve process. Once six beds are full, all other youth will be placed on a wait list managed by our housing staff.
Accepted 24/7 by calling the shelter on-site number at:
253-328-6127. Or by email: Staff will confirm open bed on a 1st
come, 1st serve bases until all 6 beds are full. Remaining youth will be placed on waiting list managed by housing staff.
In preparation before opening, If your organization has a Release of Information (ROI) please send it to our Housing Manager, Pamula Norfleet at pamula.norfleet@the
Due to the nature of our mission and purpose to provide a safe and a warm welcome from the cold streets, we must screen the youth who stay in the shelter.
Additionally, we are required to make our first attempt to notify legal guardians within 8 hours of youth entering our program. If we are unable to ascertain contact information for a guardian, the appropriate Law Enforcement agency must be contacted within
72 hours.
Thank you all for your encouragement and collaboration during this process. We are excited to join in on what our amazing community is doing for our young people experiencing homelessness. Please let me know if you have any questions and spread the word
to your networks.
Thank you,
Sid Sandstrom
Director of Youth Programs | Pierce County
The Coffee Oasis Pierce County
6602 South Alaska Street, Tacoma, WA 98408
Office: 253-328-6127
Cell: 360-470-0513