It would be good to have many people show up for the Aug. 13 Pierce County Council meeting - the last item on the agenda is the ordinance authorizing 1406 - the Sales & Use Tax.  The agenda is attached.

August 13, 2019
3:00 p.m. 
930 Tacoma Avenue South – Room 1045
Tacoma, WA 98402

According to the Pierce County Council Public Participation rules:  "Anyone may address any ordinance or resolution on the agenda for final consideration."
  1. Proposal No. 2019-57s, Local Sales and Use Tax Maximum Capacity Authorized

    An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Relating to Local Sales or Use Taxes; Authorizing the Maximum Capacity of the Tax Authorized Under the Provisions of Substitute House Bill 1406 (hereinafter Chapter 338, Laws of 2019) for Affordable and Supportive Housing; Adopting a New Chapter 4.29 of the Pierce County Code, “Sales and Use Tax – Credit Against Prior Tax”; Authorizing the Pierce County Executive to Contract with the State of Washington to Collect the Tax Imposed by this Ordinance; Requesting Compliance with RCW 82.14.055; and Directing the Clerk of the Council to Transmit the Adopted Ordinance to the Department of Revenue.

    Sponsored by: Councilmember Derek Young
    Council contact person: Susan Long, (253) 798-6068
    Committee recommendation: Do Pass as Substituted at Rules and Operations on Aug. 5

The County Council passed the resolution of intent at their July 30 meeting.

I think the script is something like - 

My name is...., I live/work in Pierce County...if you can name your employer and your position, do so.  But if not, just speak as a resident of the county or as someone who works in the county.

I encourage you to pass the Ordinance authorizing local sales and use tax maximum capacity for affordable and supportive housing.  We have a desperate need for affordable and supportive housing in Pierce County.  

If you have time, add a story of someone who would benefit from this housing.

Thank you for your work,


Tel:  253-756-8146 (LL)
Cell:  253-255-2200
3320 S. 8th Street
Tacoma, WA 98405