Please find attached the most current draft of the Continuum of Care 5 Year Strategic Plan along with the Agenda for the Oct. 16 meeting and the Minutes from the Sept. meeting . The process is coming to a close as the plan must go first to the Pierce County Human Services Committee and then to the full Pierce County Council for approval within the next six weeks. If you have questions or comments, please email Valeri Knight, Pierce County Homeless Program Staff and key contact for the plan at
There will be opportunities to apply for membership in the Continuum of Care Committee and to participate in workgroups - I'm not sure of the process but you can always just email Valeri. I've found her to be incredibly responsive. Or check the Continuum of Care website. Remember, this is a public entity - anyone can attend the monthly meetings.
This is important because the plan will guide certain federal and state funding for programs addressing homelessness. It will have annual goals which will be reported to the State.
With Stevens County, WA County Commissions currently being sued on the basis of distributing document recording fees in a manner inconsistent with their current Homeless/Housing Plan, these county approved plans may ikely come under additional scrutiny.
Thank you for your work,
Tel: 253-756-8146 (LL)
Cell: 253-255-2200
3320 S. 8th Street
Tacoma, WA 98405