On behalf of the Racial Equity Subgroup, THANK YOU for your informed, kind, thoughtful conversation today.  We are going to digest your comments and notes (keep them coming -- hnagel@cmhshare.org) and we will report back to the Group with next ideas.  I have attached the Powerpoint from this morning.

We talked about the SPARC Report, which is available here: 


Korbett Mosesly blew us away with his discussion of Culturally Responsive Organizations.  The tool that he discussed is available here:


He doesn't know I'm plugging his website, but this blog entry is great:


We continue to welcome anyone to the Subgroup (8:15 a.m. on Fridays).  Again, thank you.   Enjoy your weekend!


Heidi L. Nagel (she, her, hers)
Foundational Community Supports, Supportive Housing Specialist
Comprehensive Life Resources
Office | 253-396-5075
Cell | 253-392-5650

"All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope."

Winston Churchill