Grant opportunity FYI.  Al Ratcliffe

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From: Adam Darnell <>
Date: Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 1:23 PM
Subject: Grant of interest to coalition to end homelessness
To: Allen Ratcliffe <>

Hi Al! I was just looking at a couple of SAMHSA RFP's that could be of interest to the coalition, especially the first one.  Proposals are due 12/16.  I imagine the Coalition is already aware... If there is work currently underway to get a proposal in, I'd be able to help with the narrative as a volunteer.  And if someone with the coalition isn't already going after this, perhaps we could scramble together to get a proposal in?  I have time!  The schedule's a bit outrageous but I didn't want to let it pass without mentioning... hope you're well!  Adam