Elizabeth Pauli, City Manager, Tacoma, invited me to meet with her to discuss concerns I had raised in various comments to the City.  I prepared a "list" of topics for our meeting.  Although I was not representing the Tacoma Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness, I did ask a few of you to suggest what I might include and the reality is that much of what I presented I learned through participation in the Coalition or from my own experience in homelessness and housing programs and policy.  Elizabeth and I agreed to meet again with more people in attendance.  

Here's my current thinking after yesterday's meeting - please note that I did not ask Elizabeth to review these notes - they are mine.  I've converted my "list" and meeting notes to talking points.  I offer them to you for your consideration and comment.  As I look back on the work we have all done over these past months, I know it is easy to be discouraged.  i'm asking everyone to take a deep breath and see whether, for the benefit of those without shelter by day and by night, we can make this work.  Make this the City we want everyone to have a place to live in.  

Some thoughts on moving forward in Tacoma - how we might find a "Better Solution."
1.  The Mayor and City Council are committed to trying to solve homelessness and to to find what the Mayor has called, "a better solution."
The Tacoma Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness is an amazing resource representative of the broad community of providers, advocates, interested community members.  Week in and week out we come together to find solutions.  We welcome all to our "table."  Though we may differ philosophically, in strategy and in tactics, we are always learning and we make every attempt to listen to each other and to find ways to work respectfully toward one single goal - shelter for all.  

2.  We could begin with the assumption that we all want to do the right thing - to see everyone sheltered and ultimately permanently housed.  We know we have increasing numbers of unsheltered people, we have the hottest rental market around, increasing income inequality, and an unbelievable range of skills/commitment/experience within the community.  

3.  We could do a "reset" in our relationships with the City and the City with us - "A Better Solution."  This reset could include conversations and hopefully, decisions, on leadership, advocacy, planning, management of programs and funding.

3.  The City needs a plan.  This plan should have at least two parts:
 a.  Prevention of homelessness which could be immediately addressed by prioritizing those parts of the Affordable Housing Action Strategy which keep people housed by adding tenant protections and which increase housing available to those at extremely low incomes.  

 b.  Meet all emergency shelter needs with a range of shelter options consistent with the needs of unsheltered people.  This would include a listening session with unhoused people to hear from them what they see as their unmet needs and solutions.  This range of appropriate and accessible shelter options should promote stability and reduce harm.

4.  The City should review the way it structures its internal response to homelessness, the resources it has available and how it uses those resources.  At present, housing is within three separate city departments - Equity and Human Rights, Neighborhood and Community Services, Community and Economic Development.  Someone not familiar with the City should  be able to find the City's response to homelessness without difficulty.  Some jurisdictions create an "Office of Housing" or an "Office of Homeless Services."  

5.  The TPC Coalition to End Homelessness and the City should review the Guiding Principles and Practices to Local Responses for Unsheltered Homelessness from the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority and develop our own common guidance.

6.  We should create a Strategy Table to surface the best ideas, resolve emerging problems, respond to opportunities. 

7.  The City must improve its communication and information.  Note:  The Coalition is invited to respond to the City Manager's request for assistance with on-line information at the Jan. 10 meeting.

8.  We should review the City's funding strategy to ensure a cost efficient and equitable system that gives shelter providers assurance of funds, requires accountability, and operates in full transparency.

9.  We should identify ordinance changes which enhance our common goal - safe shelter for all.

We can talk about these at the Coalition's Jan. 10 meeting.  Please feel free to also email me with your comments.

As always, thank you for your work,



Tel:  253-756-8146 (LL)
Cell:  253-255-2200
3320 S. 8th Street
Tacoma, WA 98405