From the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance..

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: John Stovall, Housing Alliance <>
Date: Wed, Jan 29, 2020, 11:52 AM
Subject: Urgent: Washington Lawmakers need to hear from you this week!
To: Maureen Howard <>

Dear Maureen,
In a short session, things move quickly! That means that even though we won't see the House and Senate budgets right away, budget writers are hard at work, deciding what's in and what's out. Governor Inslee's proposal made needed investments in shelter and programs that prevent and end homelessness. Early in the budget writing process, your voice makes a big difference! Lawmakers should follow the Governor's lead and make sure that the final budgets include funding that help more people live in safe, affordable homes. Please take a minute to contact your legislators today and tell them to fund these items in the 2020 Supplemental budgets!
In the Capital Budget:
  • Invest $10 million in the Housing Trust Fund to preserve existing affordable homes. 
In the Operating Budget:
  • Invest $2.5 million to close the ABD shelter penalty. 
  • Include $3.65 million for foreclosure counseling. 
  • Establish a pilot program to provide rental assistance for extremely low-income people with disabilities. 
Take action here! 
Thanks for taking action. Your voice makes a big difference!
John Stovall
Member Organizer

P.S. Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Day is right around the corner on Feb 3! You can Register here: 

Washington Low Income Housing Alliance
100 West Harrison St.
Seattle, Washington 98119
(206) 442-9455

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