This is to let you know about recent changes at Nativity House as a result of an overnight shelter guest testing positive for COVID-19. We learned of the positive test yesterday
and began to take immediate steps to protect staff and other guests.
Due to this positive test and the advancing public health threat of the Coronavirus we are changing operations at Nativity House Day and Overnight Shelters. These changes are
in accord with best practices from public health authorities regarding gathering size and social distancing.
We are striving to do all we can to protect our guests and the community while still providing daily essentials of food and shelter to people who are homeless. Health Department staff met with us at Nativity House today and we worked with them on these
- As an initial precaution, we separated a number of guests who were most exposed to this individual by moving them to the basement of the Tahoma
Center. As yet, none of them are experiencing symptoms warranting COVID-19 testing. We continue to closely monitor them for changes in this regard.
- Effective tomorrow, Tuesday, March 17th, only overnight guests will be allowed inside Nativity House.
- Day guests will be served meals outside on the deck and will be encouraged to disperse after receiving meals. Additional porta-pottys and
washing stations will be added in the parking lot for day guest use.
- Overnight guests who remain inside the NH are strongly encouraged to practice social distancing, maintaining a distance of six feet or more.
We will assist you in this by placing and marking chairs and tables accordingly and managing entry and food lines as well. Not having day guests present will allow the remaining overnight guests to practice appropriate distancing.
- All are encouraged to continue to practice personal hygiene with regular hand washing or sanitizer and not touching nose, mouth or eyes.
- Guests health will be monitored upon entering. Those sick are provided masks to wear.
- Those with virus related symptoms are separated while medical assistance and testing are arranged as appropriate.
- We continue to monitor the health of program staff as well.
This is an evolving situation which we will continue to follow closely, while conferring with public health authorities.
Denny Hunthausen
Agency Director, SW