OOPS! it helps to remember to add the link to the Health Dept article: https://www.tpchd.org/Home/Components/Blog/Blog/21464/333?fbclid=IwAR2A4k2rOoS74wTjWwGPFvlmiBDtOQmd4KTB08VP-dBQX6J5YIwI-1d8LbI

I was also reminded of the importance of humor to help deal with stress.

Al Ratcliffe

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Allen Ratcliffe <alratcliffe@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Apr 5, 2020 at 7:01 PM
Subject: Fwd: Homeless Coalition - What helps you most?
To: PC HOMELESS COALITION (fullcoalition@list.pchomeless.org) <fullcoalition@list.pchomeless.org>

Suggestions from the PC Health Dept.  Good suggestions!  Which ones work best for you, and what others would you recommend?

Al Ratcliffe

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Allen Ratcliffe <alratcliffe@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Apr 5, 2020 at 3:45 PM
Subject: Fwd: Homeless Coalition - What helps you most?
To: PC HOMELESS COALITION (fullcoalition@list.pchomeless.org) <fullcoalition@list.pchomeless.org>


I think I was not clear enough in my original message.  I was asking what helps you most to cope with the stresses you experience doing this work under these circumstances? I ask because sharing what helps you most may provide new ideas to others for self- or employee stress management.

Thanks for your suggestions!

Al Ratcliffe

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Allen Ratcliffe <alratcliffe@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Apr 5, 2020 at 11:03 AM
Subject: Homeless Coalition - What helps you most?
To: PC HOMELESS COALITION (fullcoalition@list.pchomeless.org) <fullcoalition@list.pchomeless.org>, Allen Ratcliffe <alratcliffe@gmail.com>


I got to thinking about the emotional impacts of the work you are doing these days of caronavirus and COVID-19.  I am curious about what your organizations, your supervisors and you are doing to help ease those stresses, especially what helps most.  It might be helpful to share information about those "best practices" with others in the coalition listserv.

With you in spirit,

Al Ratcliffe

This listserv is part of the Tacoma/Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness.

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