Hello friends-


I would like to invite you to sign up for Kelly’s Awesome Newsletter, CLICK HERE. My latest edition will be sent out tomorrow morning and is literally packed with links and resources to everything we have found in the last two weeks. It really is quite amazing how much my team, our partners and so many of you have contributed to the plethora of resources in the community.


You will not want to miss this as it pulls together everything in one place.

Again, CLICK HERE to sign up and you will receive the latest edition in the morning. Thank you for all your help!


Kelly Blucher

Manager of Community Engagement & Outreach

Goodwill of the Olympics and Rainier Region
Desk: 253.573.6853 

Cell:   253.302.2347


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Our mission is to help people reach their fullest potential through education, job placement,
and career pathway services made possible by community donations, purchases, and partnerships.